Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research, University of Granada
The UGR participa como “Observational Platform” con su estación de Granada en las componentes: Aerosol In-situ (CAIS en inglés), Teledetección Aerosol (ARS en ingés) y Teledetección Nubes.
The Universidad de Granada (UGR), fundada en 1531, es una de las universidades más grandes e importantes de España y ofrece una de las gamas más amplias y diversas de programas de educación superior en España. La Universidad de Granada, UGR, opera el Observatorio Global de la Atmósfera de Andalucía (AGORA), ubicado en el sur de España, e incluye varios sitios experimentales. A continuación se incluye una descripción resumida en la sección dedicada.
Significant Infrastructures
The main research activities at AGORA focus on the study of the atmosphere, the Earth’s surface and their interactions using remote sensing and in-situ techniques. AGORA combines complementary stations with different atmospheric conditions, high degree of expertise and many facilities providing an ideal environment for a wide range of aerosol research, from urban to remote background conditions. AGORA favours integrated studies by using a broad range of instrumentation from active and passive remote sensing to a variety of in-situ methodologies. The location of the installations in the most meridional sector of the European continent near the African coast allows a detailed analysis of the Saharan dust prior to be mixed in highly polluted areas of Europe and the use of a high mountain stations allow the detection of the impact of the anthropogenic aerosol (originated at the metropolitan area of Granada) contribution modulated for the daily and seasonal cycle of the Planetary Boundary Layer. AGORA, due to its location at the slopes of Sierra Nevada Mountains, offers a unique combination of remote sounding and in-situ techniques at different elevations, which is an added value for validation of vertical profiles of aerosol and cloud microphysical properties retrieved by inversion of remote sensing data acquired at the valley level and for PBL-free troposphere interactions studies.
The main research activities at AGORA focus on the study of the atmosphere, the Earth’s surface and their interactions using remote sensing and in-situ techniques. AGORA combines complementary stations with different atmospheric conditions, high degree of expertise and many facilities providing an ideal environment for a wide range of aerosol research, from urban to remote background conditions. AGORA favours integrated studies by using a broad range of instrumentation from active and passive remote sensing to a variety of in-situ methodologies. The location of the installations in the most meridional sector of the European continent near the African coast allows a detailed analysis of the Saharan dust prior to be mixed in highly polluted areas of Europe and the use of a high mountain stations allow the detection of the impact of the anthropogenic aerosol (originated at the metropolitan area of Granada) contribution modulated for the daily and seasonal cycle of the Planetary Boundary Layer. AGORA, due to its location at the slopes of Sierra Nevada Mountains, offers a unique combination of remote sounding and in-situ techniques at different elevations, which is an added value for validation of vertical profiles of aerosol and cloud microphysical properties retrieved by inversion of remote sensing data acquired at the valley level and for PBL-free troposphere interactions studies.
Lucas Alados Arboledas