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University of Valencia

The Solar Radiation Group

The Universitat de València (UV) es una de las universidades más antiguas e importantes de España. El Grupo de Radiación Solar de la Universitat de València (GRSV) tiene una contrastada experiencia en el campo de la física atmosférica. Actualmente el GRSV mantiene y opera dos estaciones de medida situadas en entornos urbanos (Estación Atmosférica de Burjassot, BASS) y rurales (ARas de los olmos). 

Significant Infrastructures

In these stations, a large set of instruments is available that allows the determination of different properties of aerosols, clouds, radiation and other atmospheric components and pollutants, the study of their interactions and its implications on health, energy and climate. Both stations were started up and are being maintained and upgraded for more than 10 years thanks to different infrastructure and research projects funded by regional and national programs. They are equipped to continuously monitor the optical and microphysical properties of aerosols, using in situ and remote sensing instrumentation. Measurements of the properties of aerosols in the atmospheric column are carried out with different radiometers and photometers that are part of the AERONET and SKYNET networks. The vertical profile of aerosols is measured at BASS with a Raman depolarization lidar, which operates in 7 channels in a 3b+2a+2d configuration, incorporates a water vapor channel and participates in EARLINET-ACTRIS. Cloud properties and extent are monitored using a ceilometer, an all-sky camera, and a VIS-NIR spectrometer for overhead observation. Soon, and thanks to the infrastructure program (IDIFEDER/2021/066), a microwave radiometer will be incorporated to measure the temperature profile and the content of liquid water and ice, very useful for constraining the cloud retrievals. Finally, routine radiation measurements in different spectral ranges (Ultraviolet, solar and thermal infrared) are made with an automatic solar monitoring system.

Datos de la OP en el
ACTRIS Data Portal


José Luis Gómez Amo

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