The University of Granada has prepared a pioneering report analyzing the impact on the formulation of public policies, highlighting more than 8,000 mentions in reports by international organizations. To produce the report, data have been extracted from the Overton platform. The study positions the UGR as a key player in the generation of knowledge applied to political decision-making in areas such as the environment, health and education.
The environment is one of the most influential areas for the UGR, with 2183 mentions. Within this area there is relevant research on climate change, ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation, highlighting the impact of studies on climate risk mitigation and sustainable management of natural resources.
The report identified 50 authors from the University of Granada. Among these researchers we can find IISTA scientists such as Lucas Alados, Regino Zamora, Paloma Cariñanos, Hassan Lyamani and Gloria Titos, whose research has had a major impact on public policy.
Some of the policies in which these researchers are influential include the following:
- Air quality management and assessment in urban areas
- Monitoring and modeling of atmospheric aerosols and their radioactive impact.
- Innovation in atmospheric remote sensing and photometry technologies
- Assessment of the impact of atmospheric particulate matter on health and climate
- Saharan aerosol and dust monitoring and analysis
- Urban Air Pollution Mitigation
- Global Monitoring of Aerosol Properties and Climate Change
- Impact of Transportation on Air Quality