Barcelona (Palau Reial; BCN), Urban background, and Montseny (regional background) have been accepted as National Facilities. For the moment they are the first to be recognized and the only ones in Spain.

Las NFs de ACTRIS proporcionan a los usuarios acceso físico a instalaciones de última generación, bien caracterizadas y versátiles.
Why is the ACTRIS National Facility the heart of atmospheric scientific excellence?
- NFs support long-term observations and research related to atmospheric aerosol, clouds and reactive trace gases
- NFs are committed to long-term operation funcionar a largo plazo.
- NFs are operated by personnel with identified expertise in running the platforms
- Instrumentation follows the recommendations and is approved by the Topical Centres
- Measurement methodologies and procedures are compliant with the standards of calibration, operation and quality assurance defined by the Topical Centres
- Data are made available to users through the ACTRIS Data Centre
- NFs can provide physical access for users, if respective capacity and expertise is proven
- NFs follow specific technical requirements